10 março 2009


Depois das babuseiras que se foi lendo nos jornais e alguns blogs neste fim de semana acerca de erros de português no GCompris (programa educativo que vem com o famoso Magalhães) nada como isto ...

Latest Version: 8.4.9 Magellan
I would like first to apologise towards the Portuguese children and
teachers who have faced the translation issue.

A special thanks to our Gnome Portuguese translation team, Duarte Loreto
and António Lima. They spent the week-end working on a rework of the
translation under the pressure of the bad press we have been facing in
some Portugal's news paper.

GCompris supports over 50 languages and its a community based effort.
Yes in some case we may ship incomplete or incorrect translations. We
have always considered that we need to start somewhere and that an
incomplete translation is better than no translation at all. This as
worked pretty well so far because once people sees that the translation
is not correct they join the project to improve it.

Over the years, the Gnome Translation team gets stronger but for
historical reason I kept the bad custom to release po files myself. I
now understand how wrong I was. I call again the Gnome translation team
to take over the languages I still commit myself. You can find which in
the po/ChangeLog file.

So this is pretty unusual for us to be in the headline. I hope this will
calm down so we can go back to what we like to do, help the children
Retirado daqui.

E isto é a diferença entre um software opensource, que custa 0€, e outros, em que se tem que pagar milhões em licenças e tem estes erros ou ainda piores.

08 março 2009


2 gatos
1 muro
Flores amarelas q.b.
Sol q.b
Plantas verdes q.b

Juntar um gato ao muro, colocar o outro gato atrás do muro, colocar aleatoriamente flores amarelas e plantas verdes atrás do muro, ligar o sol.
Parar o momento ... tirar a foto ...